Imagemagick 6.6.5
Imagemagick 6.6.5

Output for ImageMagick may be archivally significant depending on the policy and the datastream, therefore the preservation of essential characteristics for converted archival content must be validated for each new version of ImageMagick to be deployed. In most cases, the "configure" stage of the source build will find the delegate automatically but in many cases you also need to include them as options to the configure command. Many of the delegates are installed into the operating system individually.

imagemagick 6.6.5

Also the version available from the RHEL 6.x repositories is quite old. In particular, we need support for JPEG-2000. Several critical delegates required by SIdora are not part of the default ImageMagick installation (both source code builds and in the RHEL repository). ImageMagick consists of a core set of libraries and a number of "delegates" that support additional formats.


For now we will install it on every server where it needs to be used. There is a substantial loss in performance when wrapping it as a network service over a direct operating system call because of the network communication overhead. Since it is installed as an operating system utility, it is very sensitive to operating system changes and updates.

imagemagick 6.6.5

It provides high performance for conversions and is simple to call from the local operating system. It is installed in the operating system and may be called using the "convert" function. This guide documents the version used for distributed processing. ImageMagick provides conversion tools between a number of bytetstream (file) formats.

Imagemagick 6.6.5